Intro to Careers in Digital Analytics

By Digital Analytics Association (other events)

Wednesday, May 4 2016 3:00 PM 6:00 PM EDT

Digital analytics is a booming field both in scope of work and in industry size. While it originally focused on website user behavior, analytics professionals today are often responsible for analyzing vast amounts of data from mobile, social, search, display, email and other customer acquisition channels both online and off.

The skills required to be a good digital analyst include having a head for numbers, a flair for marketing, a broad technical understanding and a knack for everything Internet. Excellent analysts are also good at asking questions, naturally curious, and able to connect the dots to tell a meaningful story with the data.

If you're new to the field you may wonder what options are available, and if you're experienced you may ask how you can continue to move forward in your career.

Get your questions answered at this two-hour meet-and-greet sponsored by the Philadelphia chapter of the Digital Analytics Association (DAA), which will feature presentations by some of the world's leading experts in digital analytics and cover some of the following topics:

- What is the DAA and what does it do?
- Who is hiring digital analysts?
- What skills are needed?
- Typical digital analytics roles
- Educational requirements
- Specific tool experience requirements
- Emerging skill sets
- How to get promoted

This is a great opportunity to hear from and talk to analytics professionals from around the Philadelphia area.

Digital Analytics Association